Center For Indigenous Psychology (Pusat Pengembangan Psikologi Islam) is led by Prof. DR Achmad Mubarok MA, a Professor of Indigenous Psychology at University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), and Assyafiiyah Islamic University (UIA)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Life Pattern
at 8:11 PM 
In the life of mankind, we can observe various life patterns, in scope of usual groups, ethnics, nations, and ummahs. This variety emerges since life patterns are products of life views. Life view growing and developing from aqidah creates a certain life pattern usually called “shariah”.

Shariah teachings are highly realistic in viewing man life in universal way. Hence, five components of life are introduced, to be referred to in manifesting a quality life (“hayatan thayyibah”) that guarantees honor and benefits of decent life for man.
Five components of life (“al kulliyyat al khoms”) introduced in Islamic shariah are (1) Intact-self of man, including his soul, body, and dignity, (2) His mind, (3) his properties, (4) His nasab/lineage, and (5) His faith/religion.

Safety of those five life components should be protected through legal devices that guarantee their welfare and safety justly.

That is the real form of Islamic law as a manifestation of shariah. Efforts to understand more of shariah are usually handled in Fiqh. Certain matters specifically in connection with politics are discussed in Fiqh as Siyasah. There we can see a study system that introduces us four main fields in describing the five man’s life components mentioned above. In this connection, we should pay attention to following things:

1. Faith to God and efforts to manifest it through rituals of ibadah, these are included in the main and first study of science of Fiqh.

2. Interactions between people, in this connection we will be introduced to studies of “munakahat” and “mualamat”.

3. Social order, in this connection legal enforcement and legal certainty implementation are required. These are in the latest part of study of fiqh.
posted by : Mubarok institute

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