Center For Indigenous Psychology (Pusat Pengembangan Psikologi Islam) is led by Prof. DR Achmad Mubarok MA, a Professor of Indigenous Psychology at University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), and Assyafiiyah Islamic University (UIA)

Monday, December 01, 2008

Life View of Indonesian Nation
at 2:00 AM 
Cultural variety of Indonesian nation is expressed in the sentence “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” meaning that although Indonesian nation consists of various ethnics, cultures, and languages, essentially Indonesian nation is one as a nation. Conceptionally, cultural variety is a national asset, so that those differences shouldn’t be debated, as long as those differences are in the framework of unity.

Pancasila is often mentioned to be the life view of Indonesian nation. This means that values of silas (moral principles) in Pancasila are indeed explored from the khazanah (treasure) of national culture. Therefore, existence of each people’s life view is guaranteed. Each citizen is guaranteed by Constitution to implement their religion based on their faith and belief. During history of this nation, even Communism was once accommodated in Nasakom axis (Nationalism, Religion, and Communism). Only mistake of PKI using violence in the incident of 30 September Movement caused communism to be forbidden later by the constitution in Indonesia.

Data of national history shows that Islamic aspiration as a way of life never ceases to be involved in ideological struggle, including in the processes of formulating Constitution 1945 and all of those struggles are normal since majority of Indonesian citizens adhere Islam. Therefore, it can’t be denied that Pancasila as a life view of the nation actually contains items of Islamic way of living.
Islam as a way of life can be revealed if we understand matters on LIFE that essentially consists of three matters, which are (a) Life View, (b) Life Pattern, and (c) Life Etiquette.

Life View
Mankind during their history note various life views, both those known as philosophies and ancestor’s teachings, and those known as religion/God’s teachings. In Islam, life view is called “aqidah” (a belief binding man’s spiritual part). Since it binds the spiritual part, then aqidah becomes a guidance. Aqidah of Islam introduces God, universe, and man, including each individual, to man
All people instinctively know themselves, the environment surrounding them, and the universe.

Instinctively people also know God (although in various perceptions) and when their knowledge becomes a belief, this belief will give a certain life view to be life guidance for them. The life view taught by Islam explains to man that Living is something highly noble and highly precious. The life bestowed by God on man is a basic capital to fulfill their functions and to determine their own values and dignities Therefore, messages in Al Quran and hadith give a lot of warnings on man to use the basic capital as careful as possible and not to make it useless, since it is very limited in terms of space and time. Furthermore, it is mentioned that there are two kinds of life, one of them is man’s life on earth, which is highly limited in terms of space and time and, due to the limitations, is not eternal but real so everyone can recognize and feel it.

Basically, this life is pleasurable to man, since earth and nature had been prepared in such a way by Allah to support man’s life. The pleasurable nature later dominates the life view of most of people so they identify with life itself. This view is noted in surah Al Hadid in which it is described that the so-called life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among people, riches and children (Q: 57: 20). This is further explained in surah Ali ‘Imran in which it is mentioned than people becomes interested in loving all charming things, among others are women, children, piled golds and silvers, selected vehicles, cattle, and rice fields. All of them are a reality highly familiar to all people and some of them have the chance to enjoy the pleasure.

Basically, all those things shouldn’t be hated or neglected; since all of those things are parts of the enjoyment had been prepared by Allah to support man’s life. But their usage should be in accordance with the guidance and this has something to do with life pattern.
Further, another kind of life introduced in Islam is life in the day after whose quality is higher since it will be unlimited and eternal. All pleasures in the day after will be very perfect. Those lives are not independent from each other; on the contrary, the second life will be continuation and perfection from the first. The day after will be the time and place for the final calculation and determination of permanent values for each person who experiences life in the world. The day after will no longer be the time and place to work and do, but only will be the time and place for receiving results of working and behaviours done while we are living in this earth. Therefore, it is clear that the previous life (in this life) is very important. The opportunity to work and do is only given in the life in this world. Hence, life in this world is really the basic capital for man.
posted by : Mubarok institute

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