Center For Indigenous Psychology (Pusat Pengembangan Psikologi Islam) is led by Prof. DR Achmad Mubarok MA, a Professor of Indigenous Psychology at University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), and Assyafiiyah Islamic University (UIA)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The method 19 When entering the Room Tidur
between the characteristics basyariah humankind was thirsty if the body has needed water, hungry if the body has needed food and tired as well as ngantuk if the body has needed the rest.

The circle lived the daily of humankind as basyar was to get up, ate, drank, moved, rested and again slept.

Sleep for humankind was the sub-system from his life system, psychological and psychological.

Generally humankind, slept like died where functions of his spirit did not work, but to some people of sleep was during where the spiritual activity justeru increased, so as when getting up not only his body that was fresh but also his spirit.
Pious people often accepted the inspiration (ruya Al haqq) justeru when sleeping.
Around the sleep courtesy according to the Islam teaching was as follows: 1.
Sleep fast.

According to Aisyah r.a, Rasulullah always went to bed in the beginning of the night.
(muttafaq 'alaih) 2.'

Sleep in the situation berwudlu`.
Rasulullah spoke: If you wanted to sleep, berwudlu`lah like you berwudlu` to pray.
(muttafaq 'alaih) 3.'

Lay on the right side with berbantal the right hands like that was demonstrated by Rasulullah, afterwards might change on the left side and used the left hands as a pillow.

Did not take the position of annoying sleep the health, for example too long slept tengkurap.

Before sleep read the Kursiy article and the letter end Al Baqarah, Al's letter Sincere, Al Falaq and an Nas, like that was taught by Rasulullah.

Prayed when lying with the Rasulullah prayer:
Bismika Allahumma ahya wa amutu
Meaning that: by the name of Mu oh lord I lived and I died.

If receiving the bad dream tonight, or most startled, or felt frightened, was prescribed read the prayer: A`udzu bi kalimatillahi at tammati min ghadlabihi wa 'iqabihi wa syarri ibadihi min hamazatis syaitani an yahdurun Meaning that: I took shelter with Allah's sentence (Al Qur`an) that was perfect from murka him, and from torturing him, from the crime' of 'slaves him and from all the disturbances' of the 'devil who visited me.'
(HR. Abu Daud) 8.

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posted by : Mubarok institute
The method Bersabar
for the length of the life of humankind, the problem in turns came, because of the meaning of the life personally to be how faced the problem.
In a theological manner, the problem of the life was the challenge that will classify which good person and which bad person, which tested person and which weak person.

Secara the theory, the person of the believer will always be lucky, because he was grateful when receiving luck and being patient when facing the difficulty.
On the other hand the person was not faithful always was not lucky, when receiving his luck went too far and when facing his difficult difficulty of forgetting the memory.

It was patient in being resolute that the heart without complaining in facing the ordeal and the barrier, within a certain time, in order to achieve the aim.
To be able to be patient, the Islam religion taught the courtesy as follows: 1.
Kept when facing the first blow.

Rasulullah had spoken:
Innamassabru indassad matil uulaa.

Meaning that: Patient that actually was when facing the first blow.

2.When being fallen on by the disaster, immediately considering Allah and requesting his forgiveness.

The Allahs decree: Meaning that: (people who were patient in being) they that when being fallen on by the disaster, said; actually we were belonging to Allah and actually we will come back to him.(Al Baqarah: 156) 3.

Did not show his disaster to the other person, like that was demonstrated by the wife of Talkhah Ash (Ummu Sulaim) when was remained died his child.
(was narrated in hadis the Story of Muslim) 4.

Patient in facing all the ordeals sincerely to Allah.
Allah decreed in hadis Qudsy: Hambaku that the believer, who was patient by submitting kepadaKu when his sweetheart I called came back (died), to him did not have the reply that was appropriate from me apart from heaven.
(HR. Bukhari).

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posted by : Mubarok institute
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