Center For Indigenous Psychology (Pusat Pengembangan Psikologi Islam) is led by Prof. DR Achmad Mubarok MA, a Professor of Indigenous Psychology at University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), and Assyafiiyah Islamic University (UIA)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Struggles in Life
at 10:41 PM 
In Al Quran, struggle is mentioned in the term “jihad”. The word “jihad” in various derivative words is mentioned 41 times in 19 verses. Some were revealed in Mecca, while the others were revealed in Medina. In perspective of lughawi (language), jihad means fighting against enemies, dedicating all abilities and power in forms of words, actions, and all other that one can do. The word “jihad” may mean struggling in form of war against enemies, and may mean working hard but not in relations with war. For the word root “jihad”, the word “ijtihad” comes, which is working hard intellectually, struggle intellectually, mujahadah an nafsm or working hard spiritually or spiritual struggle.

Meanwhile, in a hadith, the word “jihad” is also used in the context of spiritual struggle of hajj. Some of jihad commands are addressed to personals (mukhatab mufrad), but mostly to groups (mukhatab jamak). Some of jihad commands are given by mentioning the objects, but mostly without mentioning the objects. What mentioned is the meaning, jihad on Allah’s way fi sabililah. According to a rule of interpretation, if a transitive verb is mentioned in a verse without mentioning the object, then object of the verse is general. Therefore, objects of jihad are not only enemies in warfare, but all included in the phrase “fisabilillah”, for example giving foods to the poor and liberating slaves (al Balad; 13-16).

Therefore, jihad is not necessarily done with weapons, but also with pens and words. In this context, teachers are lack in prosperity but are trying their best in educating young generation of the nation are strugglers or mujahidin; social workers trying hard with all of their abilities to help dignify the society are actually mujahidin or strugglers too. Character of a struggler is diligent by firmly holding his principles although there is a risk to die. A person who dies while struggling is called dead as syahid (syahid means witness). It means that his death becomes a witness of his diligent efforts and his death is a risk for his respect. For respectful people, there are only two choices according to Prophet Muhammad: isy kariman aw mut syahidan, live respectfully or die as syahid.
posted by : Mubarok institute

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