Center For Indigenous Psychology (Pusat Pengembangan Psikologi Islam) is led by Prof. DR Achmad Mubarok MA, a Professor of Indigenous Psychology at University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), and Assyafiiyah Islamic University (UIA)

Monday, April 07, 2008

10 Heart Potentials
at 1:30 AM 
In Arabic, qalb and fuad have very similar meanings. A Prophet Muhammad’s hadith indicates the similarity of meanings of those two terms in connection with softness and smoothness. We can see the applications in following sentences: “their qalbs are softer” and “their fuads are smoother”. Furthermore, potentials of qalb (heart) mentioned in Al Quran are:
1) Turning away, like mentioned in surah at Taubah/ 9: 117.

2) Feeling disappointed and upset, like mentioned in surah az Zumar/39:45.

3) Intentionally deciding to do something, like mentioned in surah Al Ahzab/33:5 and surah al Baqarah/ 2:225.

4) Having prejudices, like mentioned in surah al Fatah/48:12.

5) Refusing something, like mentioned in surah at Taubah/9:8.

6) Denying something, like mentioned in surah an Nahl/16:22.

7) Can be tested, like mentioned in surah al Hujurat/49.

8) Can be bent down (ditundukan), like mentioned in surah al Hajj/22:54.

9) Can be widened or narrowed like mentioned in surah al An’am/6: 125

10) (Even) Can be sealed, like mentioned in surah al Baqarah/2: 7

How a heart can turn away, change, refuse or deny something, and so on is also indicated by following matsur prayer:
“O, my God who changes hearts at your own disposal, please make our hearts stick to Your religion to obey You” (H.R. Muslim from `Amr ibn `Ash).
posted by : Mubarok institute

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