Center For Indigenous Psychology (Pusat Pengembangan Psikologi Islam) is led by Prof. DR Achmad Mubarok MA, a Professor of Indigenous Psychology at University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), and Assyafiiyah Islamic University (UIA)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Opportunistic 2
at 11:26 PM 
Five Positive Opportunistic Attitudes

In terms of corruption, opportunistic is negative, but Prophet Muhammad introduces us five good opportunistic attitudes. One of the Prophet Muhammad’s hadith said Ightanim khomsan qobla khomsin; Make use five opportunities before other five opportunities come.

1.Hayataka qobla mautika. Your life before your death, use your life as productive as possible, since only as long as one still lives he can invest for his happiness in the day after. When he is dead, he is no longer productive, except for three things: amal jariah (good deeds), useful knowledge’s, and prayers of his pious children. Therefore, while we still live, do good deeds as much as possible, good deeds whose benefits will be durable and enjoyed by a lot of people, for example, building bridges, roads, schools buildings, mosques, and hospitals. Teach your knowledge to others, then as long as others apply your knowledge’s, you will get the rewards. Educate your children to become pious children, since only prayers of pious children that will be certainly granted by God.

2.Syababaka qobla haramika. Your youth before your old age. While you are still young, not forgetful yet, use your youth to study and work hard, since studying in one’s youth is like painting on stones, not easily disappear, while studying in one’s old age is like painting on the water, you will soon forget what you had studied. You should work hard in your youth as a kind of infestation, so that in your old age you will enjoy the fruits of the trees you had planted in your youth. When one becomes forgetful, he will be weak like a child, become stupid like before he went into school.

3.Shihhataka qobla saqamika. Your health before your sickness. Healthy doesn’t only mean enjoyment but also opportunity. When he is healthy, one can do a lot of things, can overcome many troubles and can collect reserves to be used whenever he’s sick. Healthy is an enjoyment that we seldom realise, only after we are sick, we realise that healthy is highly meaningful.

4.Ghinaka qobla faqrika. Having things before losing those things. While you have a lot of things, still rich, not bankrupt yet, use your properties for doing useful things for common people, family, neighbours, and the society in general, since when you get bankrupt will not able to give almost anything, and then you realise the meaning of rich people’s contributions. One of characters of rich people is that they virtually don’t have any necessity and have capabilities to give things. If one has already owned a lot of things but his necessities are more than things he own so that he’s not able to give things to the poor, and instead he take things from them, such a person is actually not a rich person. Therefore, there is a rich person who has a poor heart, and there is a poor person who has a rich heart. A person with a rich heart can give 4000 rupiahs from 5000 rupiahs he owns. Therefore, once again, do a lot of useful things while you’re still rich.

5.Sa`atika qobla dloiqika. Your spare time before your busy time. While you still have a lot of times and opportunities, not in a hurry yet, use those opportunities to do the best things. Opportunity seldom comes twice, so make use of the opportunity immediately. Don’t wrongly choose something and don’t make a wrong decision when the opportunity is still open. A lot of people wrongly use opportunities in times of troubles, ending up in a long regret, brief enjoyments that will lead to continuous miseries. Be aware of the beginning of an opportunity coming to you. Wallahu a`lamu bissawab.
posted by : Mubarok institute

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